Wasser/ Water

PSW Offshore

Pumped-Storage of Hydroelectricity

In the version of the founded tunnelliner the storage system will be built by water-tight, lockable bodies or prefabricated shuttering units. The elements will be laid on the sea ground, surface-rinsed or fixed there with a buoyancy control. The storage body was in the form of (placed on  the seabed) tunnel elements The central cavity with connection of the individual storage body is lower, in order to support the function of the pump or pump-turbines including the suction tubes by increasing the available suction pressure. In the central cavern the machine unit has a pump turbine, a generator and a transformer.

The stilling chamber disposed between the suction tube and the storage tunnel. Here the water will be dissipated from a turbulent flow to substantially laminar flow into the storage tunnel. Furthermore the  stilling chamber has the secondary function to retain a sufficiently high water level for a sufficient pump suction pressure.

The air and acess shaft will be equipped ventilation pipes, lifts and elevators for the inspection and maintenance of the central cavern. About the controlling slide gate it will be possble to connected the storage tunnel. Units or tools can be transported into the storeagetunnels or galleries. Above sea level the controll platform on the air and access shaft will be equipped with a pier, service buildings or operating hall. 

Here the ships or helicopters can be delievered machine spares and so one.